Shake the Body Shame Workbook

A workbook designed to gently help you understand your body image and shake that body shame.

Your body loves you, it’s time to love it back.

The aim isn’t to be utterly obsessed with your body, the goal is to be neutral about it, to stop spending SO much time consumed by how it looks.

Free Printable Body Image Workbook

An in-depth, detailed free printable workbook.

This Nourishing Soulfully self-development body image workbook guides you through controlling outside body image influences, appreciating your body, acknowledging your own forms of body shame and learning to be kind to your body, your mind and yourself.

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Do you have to print it?

Not at all! You can download this free body image workbook, read through it and complete the questions and journaling prompts on paper.

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Prefer a professionally printed workbook?

Order your physical copy of the Shake The Body Shame Workbook, professionally printed on 120 gsm paper, stable bound in the Nourishing Soulfully Shop.

Order your copy here.